Roses are a classic and versatile choice for any occasion. They have been cherished for centuries, satisfying any taste with a range of colors, sizes, and shapes. From timeless red roses to playful canary yellow, there is a rose for every sentiment.
“Jumilia” roses give away a sweet floral scent rich in alluring notes of natural fragrances. The darker the rose, the stronger its scent. A white-pink rose with the ‘wow’ factor. It’s a remarkable large-flowered white rose with a bright pink edge at the top of the petal. The sublime sweet white-pink hue makes it a lovely rose. Very good shelf life and beautiful foliage. Bicolor white and pink roses are another miracle of mother nature that represents a mixture of purity and freshness. Bicolor white/pink roses also mean: “Our little Secret!”.
Roses are the perfect way to convey and showcase your emotions, gratitude, or admiration. Be it a single rose or a bouquet, these flowers ensure a lasting impression.